Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

It is used in those conditions where the installation of flow-type density meters is impractical due to economic constraints. The measuring element is made in the form of a tuning fork. It contains a built-in microprocessor that independently processes signals, calculates the specified characteristics and performs diagnostics inside the sensor. Calculations:
  • linear density and temperature
  • base density (according to API or reduction matrix) and derived parameters (%vol., %mass, °Brix, °API, SG, SSU).
  • High accuracy and repeatability of measurements.
  • With the help of an output 4-20 mA signal, it can be used to control technological processes.
  • It works with a product viscosity of up to 20,000 SDRs.
  • It is easy to install and practically does not require constant maintenance.
  • It works in the presence of solid impurities and gas.
  • Factory calibration.
  • Data can be transmitted via RS485/Modbus protocol.
It is installed on the main pipeline, bypass or tank.


All SOLARTRON products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant SOLARTRON: density meters, viscometers, flow calculators and signal converters
  • Calculators SOLARTRON
    7950AA, 7951AA, etc.
  • Viscometers SOLARTRON
  • Viscometers SOLARTRON
    SOLARTRON 7829 Viscosonic, etc.
  • Viscometers SOLARTRON
    SOLARTRON 7827 et al.
  • Gas density meters SOLARTRON
    Gas density meters
    SOLARTRON 3098
  • Gas density meters SOLARTRON
    Gas density meters
    SOLARTRON 7812 et al.
  • Liquid density meters SOLARTRON
    Liquid density meters
    SOLARTRON 7825/26/28, etc.
  • Liquid density meters SOLARTRON
    Liquid density meters
    SOLARTRON 7835/45/46/47, etc.


SOLARTRON products have been manufactured for more than 20 years. Solartron equipment provides unprecedented high quality measurements today.It meets the standards of those enterprises that focus on the use of modern technologies in industry, increasing the economic efficiency of the production cycle at the most competitive price. Solartrons are manufactured on the equipment of the highest standards, undergo the necessary calibration and certification.

    Solartron density meters perform continuous measurement of the product density on the flow. The range of their application ranges from commercial accounting of hydrocarbons to the food industry (for example, to determine the fat content of milk).

    Solartron viscometers are unique devices for continuous measurement of liquid viscosity. In addition, the density and temperature are determined, the kinematic viscosity is calculated. They are used both for commercial accounting of the product and for the implementation of operational management of technological processes.

    They collect primary data directly from flow meters, density meters, temperature, pressure and differential pressure sensors, moisture meters and monitor and control the local flow measurement process unit. They allow obtaining operational information about the flow rate, volume, mass and other parameters of the controlled product.

Information Board SOLARTRON

Learn more about our products SOLARTRON.
  • Questionnaire for liquid density meters на сайте SOLARTRON
    Questionnaire for liquid density meters
  • Questionnaire for gas density meters производства SOLARTRON
    Questionnaire for gas density meters
  • Questionnaire for viscometers в магазине SOLARTRON
    Questionnaire for viscometers
  • Questionnaire for flow calculators and signal converters марки SOLARTRON
    Questionnaire for flow calculators and signal converters


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